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The android mobile phone and tablet, iPad, iPhone applications and web site, as part of advanced digital book selling and reading platform of Timas Publishing Group

Advanced Reader

The epub reader, i.e. reader system, prepared by us based on HTML5 and JQuery provides to read the books purchased even in the places without internet connection. By means of this reader, users can put a brace where they read to continue, adjust the background color in 3 different modes depending on the ambient light, change the font type and size, see the sections of book and take notes on any page.

Tracking System

Users can follow their friends, favorite authors and book types on the platform. Therefore, the notifications about followed friends’ feeds, the new books of favorite authors and the recent books added to the selected book types are declared to user and appear on her/his social flow.

Institution Library

The Institution Library System in which the institutions are provided with private book access and to make online examinations directly targets the schools. They can add and manage their own contents and the publications that they want to reach to their audience. Moreover, there is an opportunity to create user groups in institution library. Hereby, it is possible to group the selected users, make examinations for this group or propose them books.

We are here for the best solutions of digital technology!

We want to assure you not only an appearance, but also accomplished solutions with wide usability and technical infrastructure. Would you like to get an offer by giving us some background information about you?