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The mobile dashboard Android application for the communication center of ‘Aura Alliance Group – Avaya’, based in United Kingdom

Status Review via the Update Taken 3 Seconds

The iDash application which is reliable, easy-to-use without high bandwidth and fully compatible with Avaya CMS enables the opportunity of watching the status of customer representative and instant statistics of call center talent group via the update taken 3 seconds, after identifying the location, user group, talent levels to be tracked and efficiencies over the web-based admin panel.

Easy to Use Advanced Graphics

Some of the call centers’ biggest problems caused by increasing traffic are operational productivity decrease and performance issue. Especially, call center managers should uninterruptedly be able to track the company statistics and surveys in order to optimize the performance. Whereby the iDash application, not only the call tracking can continually be performed, but also the generated graphics and the explanations indicating the results of the calls ensure easy operation.

We are here for the best solutions of digital technology!

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